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We offer a Headteacher a very experienced colleague and advisor who has done the job!
Having to deal on a daily basis with the education of children/students; communications with parents; responsibilities for staff, buildings, finance; working with Governing Bodies, the Local Authority or Board of Trustees; meeting Ofsted requirements; and running a school; demands tremendous skill, resilience and expertise.
Headsupport is here to provide you with confidential; and impartial advice from a knowledgeable very experienced team of consultants who have successfully faced and experienced similar challenges. If you feel that you could be assisted in your role as a Headteacher, Principal or Senior school leader by such a service or then please do not hesitate to get in touch.
We offer to a Governing Body or Board of Trustees and individual Chair persons of such, with the opportunity to have independent confidential advice from someone who understands the role!
The role of the Governing Body/Board of Trustees is crucial to any school. It is here that strategic planning is developed for a successful institution, as well as ensuring that the institution is performing on a daily basis to the highest standards.
Frequently individuals serving on these governing authorities are volunteers, who come from a wide range of diverse backgrounds and bring to the institution their skills, expertise and knowledge from their own work environments, personal experiences and cultures. However, the world of education is often new to most of them as they willingly give up their time and effort to be a volunteer. HeadSupport offers assistance and guidance for those times when a Governing Body or Board of Trustees would welcome impartial advice on a difficult or sensitive issue, an assessment of the performance of themselves or the school leadership team and importantly creating a strategic body that is effective in providing the best possible environment for children/students to thrive individually and educationally.

Who Leads HeadSupport?
Ken Battye, B.Phil (Dist), has worked in education and teaching for 47 years, 26 of them as a Headteacher. He has a proven track record of leading schools through challenging situations and assisting schools to positively overcome complex situations
Since 2012, he is now an established consultant headteacher and educational advisor. Most importantly, in his career he has been a successful Head Teacher for three UK schools, all of which were inner city schools with high deprivation, EAL and multi ethnic populations. He has also been Headteacher of two large British Curriculum International schools (one to KS4) in Saudi Arabia and one in Dubai. Currently a lead and team inspector for school inspections in Abu Dhabi and Dubai Northern Emirates and the lead consultant for large international school in Qatar which has now achieved the first Outstanding BSO/Ofsted outcome in Qatar.
He offers to you his lengthy experiences as Headteacher which have been significant in keeping schools constantly on an upward and challenging road of improvement and success. Working from satisfactory Ofsted standards upwards, he has constantly achieved best outcomes and success in his role as a Headteacher. He shares these experiences to enhance the Headteacher and senior leadership roles in any school he is priveleged to work with. Many roles he has experienced have involved situations with complex HR issues; reorganisation of staff roles; recruitment; retention; staff capability; finance and budget planning, and premises issues. Importantly he passionately delivers the HeadSupport mantra of Working With You and For You.
Our Services
Mentoring And Expertise
A Headteacher role is one of the most complex leadership and management roles in the world.
Having to deal on a daily basis with the education of children/students, communications with parents; responsibilities for staff, buildings, finance and working with Governing Bodies, the Local Authority or Academy Trust, Ofsted requirements and running a school takes tremendous skill, resilience and expertise.
HeadSupport is here for those times when the role of being the Headteacher, could be assisted and enhanced by the help and advice of a knowledgeable, experienced advisor and mentor who has actually been a Headteacher, Governor and school inspector.
We can provide invaluable and confidential effective Headteacher advice through help, mentoring, coaching and expertise to your leadership role by working for you and with you when you need it
Leadership and Management
We offer Headteacher’s and senior team leaders educational advisor and consultant services to mentor; coach; help and enhance the leadership; management skills; and personal wellbeing in their current and future roles.
We help and assist Governing Bodies or Board of Trustees to develop and establish a working partnership between them and the senior leadership team of the school so that roles and responsibilities are transparent, workable and understood by all.
Advisor and consultant services are offered through bespoke education solutions, always delivered to the highest standards of professional advice and service.
For Governing Bodies and Board of Trustees Chair Persons – we provide professional advice, mentoring and coaching to help them to successfully lead their committees as well as assisting them in developing positive working partnerships and relationships with the senior leadership team of the institution.
We provide a varied and unique range of school Headteacher and senior leadership support and advisory and consultant services worldwide. We inspire, support, mentor and assist Headteachers, Governors. Trustees and senior school leaders with forward-thinking and innovative ideas.
At all times we assist an individual Headteacher, senior leadership team, Governing Body, or Academy Trust to all successfully and poitively move from the reality to the possible.
Appointment of New Headteacher and Senior Leaders
We offer bespoke services to assist a school Governing Board or Trust Board to seek out and appoint new senior leaders when such vacancies arise. The appointment of a Headteacher is a crucial appointment for any school and great care needs to be taken to ensure that the right person is attracted to apply, has the best experience and vision to fit the role, and when appointed postively leads the school and meets challenges on it’s future path of success.

Our Mission
Our mantra is to work for you, and with you, to enhance and help a person and organisation in their leadership roles or institution goals and assist them to challenge apparent insurmountable situations with confidence, and achieve successful solutions and positive outcomes.